ascension, descension, decay, and new growth.
exploring sidereal capricorn season (january 14 - february 12, 2025)
the sun entered sidereal capricorn on january 14, joining pluto. following our journeys in sagittarius, where we were in the center of experience, developing our beliefs + ethos, capricorn is where we respond to our calling, establish (cardinal) structures (earth) of support and sustenance, and act with discipline and commitment towards materializing our goals, dreams, and visions. along with the other transpersonal signs (sagittarius, aquarius, pisces), capricorn’s purpose is greater than the individual. it’s for what will survive and live on.
“capricorn is saving seeds so we can always have something to remind us of who we are and where we come from.”
- ‘life is alchemy’
this capricorn season is special because it will be the last capricorn season ruled by saturn in sidereal aquarius until 2052. since 2020, capricorn season has been under the guidance of a domicile saturn (capricorn, aquarius), challenging us to confront our limitations and boundaries, reshaping our relationship to resources, transforming how we experience the passing of time, and coming face-to-face with various forms of collapse, loss, and death, especially with the co-presence of pluto in sidereal capricorn since december 2020.
throughout this solar month, the sun + pluto in capricorn are deeply activated by the gravity of the number 9 and this universal year. with mars still retrograde in sidereal cancer until january 21, the number 9 leads us to the medicine of mars’ exaltation (capricorn). mars in capricorn reminds us that motivation won’t always be rooted in a sense of personal desire because desires can be fleeting and cyclical just as the moon. mars in capricorn is motivated by the necessity of the action to accomplish the objective, and it helps mars in cancer overcome the inner hurdle and resistance that sometimes arise when we rely more on what we feel to inspire our action. where mars in cancer often protects + responds through defensive means such as retreat and withdrawal, mars in capricorn takes a more offensive, proactive approach, utilizing the influence of saturn to create strong distinctions between the trivial and the essential. as an embodiment of 9, mars in capricorn is both the scythe that cuts the grass and the ice axe driven into the snow as you ascend the mountain. call on the medicines of mars in capricorn when you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, dysregulated, irritable, angry, and frustrated, when you need support with fortifying your boundaries, and when you need a boost with stamina and sustainable action. such medicines include (but are not limited to) nettle, turmeric, ashwagandha, horsetail, eleuthero, and maca.
continue reading to explore this month’s astro weather + medicine from the trees. this reflection is free for all to read this month.
astro weather.
diving into this season's astro weather, we begin with all four elements present in the inner planets with earth + air taking the lead. the sun under the rulership of saturn in aquarius continues to push us to the edges of our imaginations, envisioning a future and implementing tangible strategies to ground them in our material reality. with saturn still within a 5 degree orb square with jupiter rx in taurus, there can be feelings of frustration, delay, and feeling as though your imagination is competing with complacent and regressive ideologies that have roots and tethers beyond the physical. capricorn season can help with (and force) acceptance of those things that are heavy, serious, grotesque, and harsh, especially if the heavy air influence of aquarius has created dissociative coping strategies. when you are aware of what’s happening now, you grow your imagination of what is possible then. venus in sidereal aquarius continues to remind us that it’s possible together, that our collaboration helps seed the future. witnessing mutual aid networks supporting many communities affected by the fires in california is venus in aquarius in action. as these dominant systems continue to collapse and transform (pluto in sidereal capricorn), it’s on us to be the community we want because it won’t materialize from thin air. it’s in us. it’s our responsibility.
into the second week of the season, the sun has its annual conjunction with pluto and mars retrogrades back into sidereal gemini and opposes mercury in sagittarius before it enters capricorn. it’s a week of minding your words, paying attention to the narratives and stories being spun in the media, and being mindful of what’s happening around you. additionally, this week (january 21-28) is where we’ll experience an absence of water element in the inner planets until venus enters sidereal pisces on january 28. venus in pisces (january 28 - may 31, 2025) is a major transit for this year, and officially activates eclipse season, with the next set of eclipses occurring in march. venus conjunct neptune + the north node brings our attention to all things relationship, union, emotional sensitivity, and art, as well as diseases and transmission, spiritual & psychic wellness (and illness), religious mania, and more. this transit is explored in greater detail in the upcoming booklet.
january closes with the capricorn new moon and uranus stationing direct in sidereal aries. it’s a moment of stabilizing in the midst of upheaval and sudden change. it’s not always about the material stability, but the internal resourcefulness required to not fall apart when everything around you is changing. when you lean into the change rather than resisting it, you also change, and these changes are what’s needed to anchor in what’s next. sometimes (many times), you must let things fall. you must leap from the tower and trust that in the wreckage, you can rebuild if rebuilding is what’s necessary. heading into february, jupiter stations direct in sidereal taurus in mutual reception with venus in pisces. since october 9, 2024, what have been defining themes of this retrograde?
with earth element leading the way for the second half of capricorn season, there’s a focus on tending to our structures, inner foundations, roots, networks, and maintaining our form. this is a great time to stretch as much as you’re able, being mindful of nutrition and metabolism, and watching for tendencies to be immovable and rigid. where is more flexibility needed? where is more solidity needed? how do you discern what is needed when? how is the earth element supporting you? the final days of the solar season see sun conjunct mercury in capricorn, mercury entering aquarius, and the cancer full moon. what has been made abundantly clear and plain? what does it look and feel like to be aligned in core vision and process? as this month closes, what are you responding to? what are you responsible for? what are you dedicated to?
major sidereal transits of the season
▫ january 14 · sun ☉ enters capricorn, venus ♀︎ square jupiter ♃
▫ january 15 · sun ☉ opposite mars ♂︎
▫ january 18 · venus ♀︎ conjunct saturn ♄
▫ january 21 · sun ☉ conjunct pluto ♇ , mars ♂︎ rx into gemini
▫ january 23 · mercury ☿ opposite mars ♂︎
▫ january 24 · mercury ☿ enters capricorn
▫ january 25 · venus ♀︎ trine mars ♂︎
▫ january 28 · venus ♀︎ enters pisces
▫ january 29 · mercury ☿ conjunct pluto, capricorn new moon ☽
▫ january 30 · uranus ♅ direct (aries), sun trine jupiter ♃
▫ february 1 · venus ♀︎ conjunct neptune ♆
▫ february 3 · mercury ☿ trine jupiter ♃
▫ february 4 · jupiter ♃ direct (taurus)
▫ february 9 · sun ☉ conjunct mercury ☿
▫ february 11 · sun ☉ square uranus ♅, mercury ☿ enters aquarius
▫ february 12 · cancer full moon ☽
minor sidereal transits of the season
▫ january 17 · mercury sextile saturn
▫ january 19 · mercury sextile venus, mercury sextile saturn
▫ january 23 · mars trine uranus
▫ january 26 · mercury sextile neptune, venus sextile uranus
▫ february 7 · venus sextile pluto
▫ february 10 · mercury square uranus
access the archive.
for the many transits this capricorn season, there are several articles that already exist in the archive to refresh your memory, grant you new perspective, and unlock more of the synchronicities present through the cyclical nature of time.
▫ exploring the cancer-capricorn axis: nurturers needing nurturing
▫ sun in capricorn ··· life is alchemy
▫ moon in capricorn ··· discipline shouldn’t rupture the relationship with self
▫ moon in cancer ··· responding differently
▫ mercury in sagittarius ··· writing new stories, releasing old beliefs
▫ mercury in capricorn + aquarius ··· time traveling and reality bending
▫ venus in aquarius ··· it’s possible together
▫ mars in cancer ··· healing salves for the wounded child · softening a hardened heart · reacting, responding, and regulating ·
▫ mars in gemini ··· provocation + inspiration
▫ jupiter in taurus ··· reality (re)shaping pt. 1 & pt. 2 · root adjustment & soul aeration ·
▫ saturn in aquarius ··· revamping the algo-rhythms · reality (re)shaping pt. 1 & 2 ·
▫ uranus in taurus/aries ··· radical reframes
▫ neptune in pisces ··· erosion, dissolution, and glimpses of clarity
▫ pluto in capricorn ··· tending the roots
▫ lunar nodes in pisces-virgo ··· curiosity, dreaming, feeling, meaning · earth body, fluid soul ·
the medicine of the trees.
capricorn season is the perfect season to connect with our tree relatives and ancestors. trees evolved between 350 and 420 million years ago, making them a living testament to time, longevity, statue, and history. trees are at epicenter of many ancient cosmologies and have always played a vital role in life on earth, from providing food & shelter for humans and wildlife alike, reducing air pollution, preserving soil, and so much more. for this season, the tree medicine appears to support us through the many changes and activation taking place, written for each rising sign pair.
find your sidereal rising (ascendant) sign here.
for those who do not know their rising sign, these can also be read for your moon sign.
sidereal capricorn + cancer rising ·· crepe myrtle
with capricorn in your 1H-7H axis, the medicine of crepe myrtle supports you with building internal reserves, breaking past limitations caused by judgment, and accessing strength from deep within. crepe myrtle (Lagerstroemia genus) has long been used as tree spirit to bring longevity and sustainability to relationships, marriages, business partnerships, and other unions. call on the medicine of crepe myrtle to fortify bonds and strengthen the roots of those relationships that are meant to last and endure, especially your relationship with self. this solar season encourages you to embrace the archetypal energies of strength, courage, compassion, receptivity, and grace.
additional medicines (plant & flower) to support: pine · evening primrose · redwood · dandelion ·
sidereal sagittarius + gemini rising ·· locust
with capricorn in your 2H-8H axis, the medicine of locust supports you with purging and clearing stagnation, alchemizing and neutralizing negativity, and moving forward. with capricorn in the axis of resource acquisition & sharing and interpersonal intimacy, locust helps you sort through what’s valuable, what’s worth keeping, what’s best let go of, and what’s worth protecting. the honey locust (Gleditsia genus) contains spikes that protect it from predators, and this month, it lends its energy to you. be discerning and careful with where you share your resources (time, attention, money, etc.) and don’t be afraid to strengthen your boundaries to prevent energy leaks and waste.
additional medicines (plant & flower) to support: penstemon · milky oats · sagebrush · yarrow ·
sidereal scorpio + taurus rising ·· baobab
with capricorn in your 3H-9H axis, the medicine of baobab supports you with tapping into many layers of ancient awareness and knowledge. baobab (Adansonia genus) trees are native to Africa, Madagascar, and Australia and are central to many indigenous African cosmologies and mythologies. this solar month, baobab supports you in embracing the teachings of the living earth, welcoming spiritual guidance from guides and teachers, and aligning with natural abundance. as a potent portal between the familiar (3H) and unfamiliar (9H) worlds, baobab awakens perspective and connects you with the wisdom & knowledge keepers near and fear, inviting you to time travel, expanding your reach in beyond the physical and material into the spiritual and etheric.
additional medicines (plant & flower) to support: mountain forget-me-not · rosemary · chestnut bud · lilac ·
sidereal libra + aries rising ·· magnolia
with capricorn in your 4H-10H axis, the medicine of magnolia supports you with connecting to the past, your ancestors, birthrights, and legacy. magnolia (Magnolia genus) is an ancient and powerful tree ancestor that has witnessed history dating as far back as 90 million years and is a beautiful example of evolving through relationship, as its existence and evolution is heavily connected to that of beetles, who were ancient pollinators before the existence of our bee family. magnolia strengthens one’s sense of independence and individuality while also showing you the tenderness of relationship and love throughout time. this solar month encourages you to bridge the past and future, connecting the dots, and bringing your focus to what has been and what will be. further, magnolia inspires connecting with the crone and elder archetypes and with your spiritual heritage.
additional medicines (plant & flower) to support: saguaro · pedicularis · walnut · plants & flowers your ancestors knew ·
sidereal virgo + pisces rising ·· sassafras
with capricorn in your 5H-11H axis, the medicine of sassafras supports you in awakening and fortifying your creative spirit. sassafras (Sassafras genus) is sun-loving and this quality helps you tap into your unique essence with appreciation and gratitude. this solar month is a beautiful time for breaking through the barriers that may be manifesting as creative blocks and slumps, lack of inspiration, and mismanagement of creative energy. sassafras encourages you to step into the energy of execution to bring your visions into tangible form via art, etc. additionally, sassafras is beautiful for abundance magic, drawing in new opportunities, collaborations, and support.
additional medicines (plant & flower) to support: iris · chamomile · damiana · cinnamon ·
sidereal leo + aquarius rising ·· hornbeam
with capricorn in your 6H-12H axis, the medicine of hornbeam supports you with creating strong boundaries that nurture the most vulnerable and sensitive parts of yourself, while empowering you with the spirits of vitality, enthusiasm, and stamina. the solar energy of hornbeam (Carpinus genus) increases your connection to inner and outer light, illuminating and restoring what’s been worn by darkness. this capricorn season is a great time for recalibrating your energy, tending to your health, and implementing new mundane + spiritual practices that conserve your energy and don’t contribute to exhaustion. call on hornbeam when you find yourself trapped by the monotony of the “daily grind” and need to feel inspired to show up for your work and purpose without feeling weighed down and weathered.
additional medicines (plant & flower) to support: rock fringe · self-heal · borage · aloe vera ·
thank you so much for reading!