and we have arrived …
to the first mercury retrograde beginning in this universal 7 year. as we entered this year, mercury was finishing its retrograde in sidereal sagittarius (dec. 29, 2022 - jan. 18, 2023), and for months, we’ve experienced mercury in direct motion.
april 21, 2023 marked the beginning of mercury’s retrograde in sidereal aries, with direct station occurring on may 14. as mentioned in traversing the current, mercury entered sidereal aries on march 31, in mutual reception with mars in sidereal gemini, closing out the universal 1 month and joining venus at the time to build upon the eclipse energies that we’re now in. leading into its pre-retrograde shadow on april 7, mercury in aries brought explosive news regarding the expulsion of Justin Jones and Justin Pearson from the Tennessee House in retaliation for their activism for stricter gun control, a slew of shootings, conflict breaking out in Sudan, and so much more.
the power clashes, the conflicts, the inner and outer wars, they’re ongoing. the martian energies and influences are out and loud, and there’s no denying them. through these conflicts and power battles, whether between the people and their governments or even beefing friends and family, we’re constantly pressing up against our need for boundaries, autonomy, personal freedom, and control. it’s human, but even with this being part of our human condition, we’re still here to learn the dance of relationship and discover which aid in our survival and which pose a threat.