curiosity, dreaming, feeling, meaning.
exploring the lunar nodes in sidereal pisces & virgo {oct. 30, 2023 - may 18, 2025}
on october 30, 2023, the north ☊ and south ☋ nodes of the moon move into sidereal pisces ☊ and virgo ☋ following their 18-month transit in sidereal aries and libra. since september 2020, the nodes have been ruled by venus and mars and are now back under the guidance and rulership of jupiter and mercury, where they haven’t been since the gemini-sagittarius nodal transits from march 7, 2019 through september 23, 2020.
in the domains of mutable water + mutable earth, the nodes are activating some much needed lessons in flexibility, where the past 3 years have been reflecting on our relationship to stasis (fixed) and initiation (cardinal). the axis of mutable water + mutable earth by way of jupiter and mercury allows us to get back into the art of asking more questions, bending our minds and hearts in new directions that help expand us to hold the complexities and nuances of this life experience we’re having individually and collectively.
it’s no secret that the last 3 years have been their own portal through time, and now we’re on a different side of the initial experience and are now sorting through what it all means or what it can and does mean for the future.