march 1 opened a new numerical cycle that will carry us through january 31, 2024. now that we have exited the transitional space between 6 and 7 via the repeating universal months of january and february, we’re now fully floating atop and sinking beneath the surface of 7’s energy.
the energy of this month’s universal 1 energy is that of the sun. in a series of tweets, i shared about the connection between 1 and 7.
1 is external, 7 is internal. both are concerned with the self. the expression of the self and the knowing of the self. they move together to help create a substantive inner essence. key words for both of them are perception, sight, knowing, and clarify.
with this, the new cycle is encouraging us to seek the support we’re needing to not only further our self-understanding, but to help us under the world around us, in the places we may not always look.
it is through relationship with all of the elements, all of the parts, that we gain the holistic understanding that helps shift our inner landscape so that we may affect the external environment. the background transit of saturn in sidereal aquarius further supports us in this reshaping and realignment.
in this reflection, i am offering insight into the elements and how they connect with the element that moves in its opposing direction through the lens of the quincunx also referred to as the inconjunct. astrologically, the quincunx/inconjunct is not considered a true aspect, but instead references when two celestial bodies are out of one another’s sight at 150° (five signs apart). the signs involved in the inconjunct could not be more different from one another.
in the context of this 7 year, there is much out of our line of sight, where we’re deeply in the liminal space between worlds. we have a vision, but we’re exploring our blindspots to gather more insight about what it is we can truly see, and therefore, build, create, nourish, and support. it is through these lessons that we gain a clearer perspective as it relates to our big questions during this 7 year and new numerical cycle. with the inconjunct, we lean into 7’s core philosophy—if i can’t have my eyes on you, then i’ll choose to feel you instead. though the inconjunct is not an aspectual relationship, we can still discover where the other is coming from, even if our approaches and methodologies are different.
Sofia has brilliantly written about the elements in her series Elements & Archetypes. i highly recommend subscribing and reading all she had to share. her words were an inspiration for diving into today’s reflection.