the paywall has been removed for 2025’s capricorn season. enjoy!!
in the darkness of night on january 14, the sun moved into sidereal capricorn, reintroducing some prominent earth energy that we’ve been needing for a long time. with this saturn-ruled solar reason, we are stepping further into the energy of this 8 year, especially with the new numerical cycle beginning on february 1. 8 + saturn are teaching us vital lessons about what it means to be powerful, response-able, resourced, organized, and committed to the work we’re all doing. this capricorn season is bringing the focus to the houses in our charts that contain capricorn and aquarius and getting us better acquainted with these earthy and airy representations of saturn.
explore the 8 year
capricorn feels like the last of the plants dying back, giving themselves to the earth to nurture the critters, the soil, and the fungi for the harshest part of the cold winter nights ahead, slowly finding our way back to the light. there’s a gray, snowy white, crystalline landscape. wet, soggy. dark. a reminder that death is active too.
in the southern hemisphere, capricorn is the lushest summer heat, the trees brought back to life with the vibrance of green. reproduction and generation with returning hives of bees. it’s fertile. it’s alive. mars’ exaltation. reaping the bounty of all the work done in the year past. achieving the ultimate wealth which is another year of life, another chance to make it right. another day to do the work of being alive.
capricorn is the ever-pressing weight of mortality, reminding you that you were born to live and die. you inherited a lineage, a birthright. will you follow it or will you break away? this is the question saturn in sidereal aquarius is asking as it guides this season. which actions are you taking towards the future you want? what can you do with the time you have? the answers are not “out there”, they’re right here.
cardinal earth is a proactive and resourceful alchemist that can make a way out of no way. mutable fire already gave us the transcendent fire of faith to believe we can do anything. okay, so do it. capricorn says, “show me with your actions you’re who you believe yourself to be.” jupiter’s fall. there are limits to how much you can consume, how much you can have. capricorn is vehemently anti-capitalist because anything that exploits the land is against natural law. there are limits to what humans can do, and we’re better for it, not worse. capricorn knows when enough is enough.
let the reality of your limitations support you in creating from a place of knowing you’re still human. look at all we have created with what we already had, with what this earth provided. we don’t need more consumption for ourselves. we gotta share the resources that already exist. how do you support the whole? capricorn as the natural 10H asks, how do you show up? how do you want to show up? who are you responsible for? what are you responsible to?
capricorn is land back. capricorn is rematriate the land. capricorn is free Palestine, free Sudan, free Congo, free Ayiti, free the entire world from oppression and greed, destruction of lineages, freedom from the extermination of all the peoples and beings of the land. capricorn is saving seeds so we can always have something to remind us of who we are and where we come from. capricorn is empires collapsing under the weight of the hubris it takes to believe you own the earth.
cardinal modality theme association
activating · primary · essential · pioneering · initiating · commanding · influential · power ·earth element theme association
resources · stabilizing · security · land · storage · maintenance · sustenance · grounding · rooting · mundane · resolute · dry · firm · structure · form · matter ·somatic associations with capricorn
skeletal system · bones · skin · hair · teeth · joints · knees · gall bladder · pituitary gland (with cancer) · regulation of hormones · regulatory systems within the body ·
major sidereal transits of the season
▫ january 14 · sun ☉ enters capricorn
▫ january 18 · venus ♀︎ enters sagittarius
▫ january 19 · mercury ☿ trine jupiter ♃
▫ january 20 · sun ☉ conjunct pluto ♇
▫ january 25 · cancer full moon ☽
▫ january 27 · sun ☉ trine jupiter ♃, mercury ☿ conjunct mars ♂︎
▫ january 27 · uranus ♅ direct in aries
▫ january 28 · venus ♀︎ trine jupiter ♃
▫ february 1 · mercury ☿ enters capricorn
▫ february 5 · mars ♂︎ enters capricorn
▫ february 9 · capricorn new moon ☽
▫ february 10 · mercury ☿ square jupiter ♃
▫ february 12 · venus ♀︎ enters capricorn
minor sidereal transits of the season
▫ january 18 · mercury sextile saturn
▫ january 19 · venus square neptune
▫ january 28 · venus sextile saturn
▫ january 28 · mercury trine uranus
▫ january 29 · mars trine uranus
▫ february 2 · mercury sextile neptune
▫ february 5 · mercury conjunct pluto
▫ february 7 · venus trine uranus, mars sextile neptune
▫ february 8 · sun square uranus
▫ february 13 · venus sextile neptune
medicines of the season.
capricorn season is for transmutation, alchemy, grounding, exploring the inner depths of the soil and the substance, figuring out what you’re made of and where you come from so you can discover where you’re going. what happens when we get to the root?
alchemizing the negative.
capricorn is a natural alchemist, adept in the art of transmutation. with performing alchemy, there is a fundamental understanding of the necessity of positivity, negativity, and neutrality. in our society that has a skewed relationship with negativity and an entitlement to life always bending to our will and comfort, negativity gets treated as a failure, a marker of something being wrong, instead of something just existing in contrast to positivity.
negativity is the fertile dark earth that holds the roots and buried seeds. in the darkness, magic happens. alchemy unfolds. on the journey from lead (saturn) to gold (sun), we’re finding our way from the recesses of the soil into the light of day. we go from planted to sprouted to growing to mature. life is alchemy. life is transmutation. life is taking the raw material of our experiences and making it all mean something. it’s taking a seed and nurturing its process to become a tree. with the negative, the positive is activated.
the gallbladder as arcana 15: the devil reminds us of the power of negativity—its power to hold infinite potential and its power to destroy. in the united states alone, gallbladder removal surgery is performed over 1 million times a year. the gallbladder, located on the right (+) side of the abdomen below the liver, stores the bile produced by the liver. bile, with its association with sourness and bitterness, is symbolic of our anger and our feelings of disgust, rage, resentment, and irritation. the gallbladder as the devil reminds us to not be held captive by these emotions and to not use these emotions as weapons against our own liberation. while it is so deeply important to not bypass the reality that things are not always pleasant, sunny, happy, and good, it’s equally important to not resign reality to only being a source of pain. pain is a part of life, and it is how we alchemize it into love, beauty, and power that aids in our liberation from what seeks to bind us.
gallstones become balls of anger and negative emotions that we hold and have difficulty passing due to our inability to see that both perspectives are correct. we are right to want to see the good in everyone, and we are right to feel resentful when we have been betrayed, abused, and neglected. acceptance of our anger and channeling our anger into more generative directions rather than destructive ones helps us free ourselves from the cage and confines that we’ll always feel this way. the devil is a reminder that sometimes it is our inability to accept that stands in our way from truly receiving the keys to free ourselves. how often do we get caught in the story and find ourselves enslaved to the narrative? what if we didn’t have to be? what if we gave the story new roots entirely? what if the story just became something else?
herbs to support the gallbladder*: dandelion · milk thistle · turmeric · barberry · burdock ·
*please do your research before ingesting any new herbs; list is non-exhaustive
capricorn season for the signs.
sidereal capricorn season is under the guidance of its airy domicile in sidereal aquarius. this solar season directs our attention to our houses ruled by saturn so that we can zoom in on what needs structure, roots, what can be alchemized, what can be reimagined, and more. below, you will find reflections for each of the 12 sidereal rising signs.
capricorn rising · sun in 1H, saturn in 2H
with the sun in your 1H and saturn in your 2H, you being encouraged to look at how rooted you are or are not in your own identity and how it shapes your relationship to what you value, what you find worthy, and what it is you want. what aspects of yourself do you love and cherish? where does your resourcefulness arise? what do you bring to relationships and connections that only you can? this solar month sees mercury, mars, and venus joining your 1H alongside the sun to strengthen your boundaries, mentally, physically, and relationally. how are old feelings of unworthiness, struggle, and guilt being transformed into confidence, triumph, and clearing your conscience? what tools and support do you need to be more you?
sagittarius rising · sun in 2H, saturn in 3H
with the sun in your 2H and saturn in your 3H, you are being called to examine how your needs being met allows for you to perceive what’s happening in your immediate environment. when you feel restricted and limited, how does this reflect in your worldview? how does it reflect in your self-concept and self-esteem? when do you feel constricted and unable to take in more from your environment? with saturn transiting your 3H, you may be craving change in your immediate environment, reimagining what it can be when its reshaped to accommodate who you are. what does it look like to be in a place where you don’t have to perform or be too small or too “normal” to fit in. the sun + this season’s sidereal capricorn transits through your 2H are asking you to root yourself in solid principles rather than ideologies that don’t serve who you are as a human being. what brings you down to the earth so you can work with what’s here?
scorpio rising · sun in 3H, saturn in 4H
with the sun in your 3H and saturn in your 4H, you are exploring the realms of perception as it relates to your roots. your ruling planet exalts in the sign of boundaries and reality, and when mars joins the sun in your 3H, there will be a pronounced emphasis on setting firmer boundaries. can you imagine who you are without the predefined limitations of your family of origin? can you see beyond the parameters that were projected onto you? when you look to your immediate environment, what brings you in closer? what repels you? pay attention to that. saturn transiting your 4H is bringing a much needed transformation to the roots of the matter, creating and connecting to unique roots that are not always so obvious. what supports you in holding true to the boundaries you need to rise out of the depths and into the light? suffering isn’t your only option, remember that.
libra rising · sun in 4H, saturn in 5H
with the sun in your 4H and saturn in your 5H, you are grounding yourself and utilizing your roots to propel you further into your identity. you’re in an era of recreating yourself, but you’re not supposed to forget who you are. with capricorn in your 4H, there are strong ties to ancestry, connections that are made timeless through dna and genetics, and these parts of you are important. connecting with the land and the body you’re currently on/in brings more connection and serves as a reminder that your responsibility as an artist is to never forget where the creative spirit was inherited. those who came before were also artists and alchemists, also magicians. with saturn in your 5H, how are you alchemizing the pains of childhood and the past into art, expression, and joy for the new freedoms that come with adulthood? you can’t be erased from the story you create.
virgo rising · sun in 5H, saturn in 6H
with the sun in your 5H and saturn in your 6H, this solar month is encouraging you to center grounding and joy in your daily rituals, routines, and work. how does the rootedness of your 5H inspires you to trust yourself in bringing to life what you want to see? your path is unique and requires you to think outside of the box even if you at first need the dimensions of the box to give you a reminder that there’s something beyond the form. what does it mean to service yourself, your humanity? what does it mean to honor that these structural parts of you aren’t meant for everyone else? you’re allowed to have boundaries around who can receive what you have to give? you’re not here to endlessly sacrifice the sacrality of your process to prove you care. spend time with children and/or animals to remind you of what’s real and what really matters. cut the fluff. get to the heart.
leo rising · sun in 6H, saturn in 7H
with the sun in your 6H and saturn in your 7H, you’re crossing the horizon threshold and exploring what it means to protect your heart while still showing up authentically to your connections. your essence is boundless and infinite, but some boundaries are needed to ensure you’re not disregarding your very real limitations as a human being. capricorn in your 6H is emphasizing the connection between the sun and saturn. the heart (leo) is protected by the ribcage (saturn), ensuring it is not easily accessed especially with ill intention. protect the vulnerability of your heart and honor all it does for you. honor the hearts of others and their vulnerability. respect yourself and others and know when some lines don’t need to be crossed. show solidarity with those whose hearts bleed for the same causes yours does. there is connection to be found there.
cancer rising · sun in 7H, saturn in 8H
with the sun in your 7H and saturn in your 8H, you are undergoing transformations of identity and learning more about who you are and who you can become when your sensitivity and humanity are honored. it doesn’t make you codependent to need others. it makes you human. it doesn’t make you too needy to not be able to shoulder the burdens of life alone. it makes you human. consistently and fervently affirming your humanity is deeply important. the people that show you they are bringing substance and value are the ones that make it past the surface level and get to experience the depths of you. don’t shame yourself for being protective of everything that makes you soft and allows you to still respond to life. the right relationships for you will never require you give up what keeps you whole.
gemini rising · sun in 8H, saturn in 9H
with the sun in your 8H and saturn in your 9H, this is a chrysalis period. in the liminal space that is the chrysalis, you’re dissolving and reforming, soon expanding out into the world in a new form. what are you learning about yourself that is allowing you to reimagine faith in something bigger? what are you alchemizing and clearing so that you become lighter than you’ve ever been? who supports you on this intimate journey of becoming? who honors the magic of your change? mutual aid and branching out into wider communities can be supportive at this time. a new environment is just the right place to test out your new wings. you don’t have to repeat the same cycle just to prove you can survive it. you don’t have to stall out trying to make it make sense. sometimes it doesn’t. there’s still so much that does.
taurus rising · sun in 9H, saturn in 10H
with the sun in your 9H and saturn in your 10H, you are emerging from a period of grief and continuing to use these teachings to make connections and be a part of the world. your grief is the medicine needed in this world. there’s aha moments and flashes of inspiration arriving, and you may feel inspired to start a new project that is in service to the transformations of yourself and others. relying on a stable spiritual practice and belief system rooted in connection and fellowship with life is ideal at this time. as you reimagine your role in your community, ask yourself, what do you need from your community in return? what are you seeking that you do not yet have? what inspires you to lean on faith while you explore this delicate space of coming back into the world. be gentle. saturn reminds that there is no rush. there’s time.
aries rising · sun in 10H, saturn in 11H
with the sun in your 10H and saturn in your 11H, your presence in the wider social schema are coming into clear view. what does it mean to be an individual in a collective? what does it mean to be dedicated to a cause? what does it look like to be a support network and to contribute to something larger than yourself? how do you imagine survival and liberation as a collective efforts? how do you cooperate with life and not seek to dominate it? what collective visions are you supporting? how do you utilize your power to make a difference, to not uphold an oppressive worldview or structure? what is your role in the dismantling? what is being built next?
pisces rising · sun in 11H, saturn in 12H
with the sun in your 11H and saturn in your 12H, this is a time to support your community with displays of empathy and heartfelt devotion to what matters. this is the perfect time to donate your resources (time, money, presence, etc.) to organizers, bail funds, the unhoused, the ill, and those who also need. your community is more than the people you feel a personal connection with. you’re a part of a global community, so how do you want to show up? how is saturn’s transit through your 12H creating some much-needed spiritual boundaries that break you away from martyrdom and remind you that we all play a part? it’s not on you to carry the weight of the collective on your back. you need only do your part.
aquarius rising · sun in 12H, saturn in 1H
with the sun in your 12H and saturn in your 1H, this is a season of isolation and tending to the underground, invisible parts. with capricorn in your 12H, there’s emphasis on understanding the foundational role that spirituality and connection to a spiritual source play in your wider story. you’re here to break past conventions, being born with an old soul but a revolutionary heart. what helps you ground into your sense of personal responsibility? how do you limit the access others have to the sacred parts that make you you? what does it look like to be firm and resolute in what’s in your heart and in your soul?
plant medicine of the month · white willow
as mentioned previously, capricorn season directs the vital energy towards the joints, bones, skeletal system, teeth, and knees. this season is one for tending to the structures within, the aches and pains where they exist, and fortifying what needs to be fortified in order to continue moving forward. where are you being stretched? where are you experiencing growing pains? white willow is here to support you.
the bark of the white willow (Salix alba) is commonly used in formulas tailored to pain relief and the reduction of inflammation. a beautiful capricorn season ally, white willow helps us when we are feeling achy, sore, experiencing with the effects of excess heat and dampness, and needing relief for the pains in our joints and muscles. white willow perfectly illuminates the cancer-capricorn axis, as white willow is typically found at the edges of water, blending the magic of water and earth. with its ability to drain excess moisture from the tissues, the bitter taste of white willow reminds us that often times, bitter is the medicine for the pain. the medicine of white willow works slowly and over time through conscious and intentional actions on the inflammatory pathways. instead of masking the symptoms of the pain, it gets to the root. with white willow, we confront the source head on.
recipes with white willow
the essence of willow species help us move experiences of pain and transmute the pain into power. willow reminds us that we’re not destined to only experience reality through heart of suffering. we still have options, we still have power, and how glorious is that?
to reference with capricorn transits moving forward
where are the edges of where your energy begins and another ends?
how does your understanding and acceptance of reality support you in crafting healthier, more solidified boundaries?
in which ways can you growth be more sustainable? are you consuming without giving? are you taking and not sharing?
who are the organizers in your community? are there mutual aid networks in your community?
how do you want to show up for the whole? what are your social responsibilities to collective care?
who are the Indigenous stewards of the land you’re on?
how can you connect more deeply with the ecosystem you’re a part of?
what does it feel and look like when you’re supported? what do you want it to look and feel like?
may your capricorn season be grounding and supportive.
thank you.
the reflection for libra rising was spot on girlllll you made me tear up. i've also been connecting to the trees by my house lately and this companion is an excellent encouragement and confirmation to keep connecting to the land i find myself on. i hope your cap season is going well 💚🌱✨