there’s power in knowing yourself and allowing that knowledge to lead the way towards the future. there’s power in knowing one another and allowing that knowledge to lead the way towards our future.
an already slow saturn is currently barely moving, preparing to station retrograde this saturn day, june 17, in sidereal aquarius, alongside the new moon in gemini. every year, saturn spends about 4.5 months retrograde, so while saturn retrograding is nothing new, it’s always a necessary event. saturn’s retrograde motion is a slowing in time where we’re able to carefully revisit and review the present reality, and in sidereal aquarius, we bring our cognitive and insightful faculties to the forefront to reimagine reality altogether.
saturn officially reentered sidereal aquarius on january 17, 2023 following a brief intro to the transit last spring and early summer. what was happening for you between april 28 and july 12 of 2022? what stories were playing out? what did reality look like? in hindsight, what new insights and inspirations reveal themselves now that it is june 2023?
with saturn’s retrograde in sidereal aquarius, there is an emphasis on the reimagining of reality, revisiting our original visions and plans, investing in our collective future, realigning and even reimagining our collective and social responsibilities, and removing some of the haze and fog that’s been clouding our vision. we all know that we’re facing numerous challenges that leave us with an abundance of questions about the fate of our species and the world as a whole. aquarius as fixed air reminds us that there is an invisible web connecting us all, human and more-than-human like. what happens to one impacts us all, no matter how individualized our responses and emotions towards our circumstances may be and no matter how much we believe we’re not interlinked.
saturn retrograde in sidereal aquarius poses an opportunity to review our core foundation and our links to humanity, to come back down to earth and really get clear on what it is we’re doing, individually, socially, and collectively. where it can be tempting to lean further into the beliefs that it’s every person for themselves, we can reimagine “self”-preservation through the lens of a collective self, a functioning organism and ecosystem. when we want to pull away and detach, how can we lean in and find more common ground that connects us in our humanity, and even in our sentience as living beings? humanizing one another even in the most dire of circumstances is not only needed but required because if one of us isn’t human, then none of us are. if we make dehumanization something casual, where does the line stop? if one person is stripped of being recognized as a human being, what makes you or i the exception? this is incredibly important to consider and hold as we witness the collective dehumanization of our LGBTQ+ and disabled kin by elected officials and fellow citizens. never forget the children and how their rights and humanization is equally, if not more important, for us all. our liberation is a group effort.