mars and venus in sidereal cancer are activating my natal chiron and helping me process so much emotional stuff that was previously hard to access.
in the medicine bridge, i've worked with a few people with natal chiron in cancer, and it's such a tender placement. on the surface, it gets read as "mother wounds" but deeper than that, it's a core wound to the heart. cancer gets to the heart of the matter. it really settles into the feeling and sensations of the body and the emotional currents, promoting responsiveness and concern. with chiron in cancer, there is a lack of this responsiveness, a wound left by neglect and abandonment. it leaves more than a wound. it creates a void. to feel abandoned, neglected, and unloved is soul-shifting. these wounds are at the root of so many of our pathologies and extreme bids for attention. we are human. we want to feel cared for. we want to know that someone's here. we want to know we are held close to someone’s heart.