the sun entered sidereal virgo on september 16, where venus was on her way out and where the south node has been cleaning house since october 2023.
virgo, the mutable earth expression of mercury, invites us into the realm of service to the inner & outer worlds, self-exploration & examination, information dissection and synthesis, alchemy, physical + practical magic and ritual, seasonal change, and a transitory state as we prepare to shift the focus from self to other.
just as its mercurial sibling gemini, virgo encases the luminaries.
as a linking entity between the domicile (leo) and fall (libra) of the sun, virgo helps us refine our character and prepare for interpersonal relating, where we receive the reflection and projection of another. virgo allows us to dissect our ego complexes, especially those that are not productive or conducive to the creation and sustenance of long-term relationship, with anything. virgo reminds us that we are all moving parts in the divine machination and though we may be bigger in size than the worm or butterfly, we are not more important in the eyes of nature because we cannot perform their function. we each have an assignment, we each carry a medicine.
as peripheral support (sextile) for the domicile (cancer) and fall (scorpio) of the moon, virgo carries out the service of processing, digesting, assimilating, transmuting, and eliminating. the virgo-cancer sextile is the responsiveness to the need matched with the competence to understand that needs, much like the rhythms of the moon, are cyclical. this sextile allows us to prepare and anticipate what’s become routine. if you need any insight into the virgo-cancer sextile in action, witness Mother: the original scientist. the virgo-scorpio sextile empowers mutable earth with the charge of fixed water. through this sextile, we separate and eliminate what is no longer a viable material. this sextile asks us: what needs to change + what needs to end, what can be used + what is waste?
through its harmonious links (trine) with the exaltation (taurus) and detriment (capricorn) of the moon, virgo reminds us that movement and change are at the core of experience + embodiment of life. the earth triad takes us through the process from planting to harvest to dying back and decay. virgo as mutable earth invites us to change with the seasons, engaging with the subtleties and overt details, mutations, and alchemical alterations. the inconjunctions formed with aquarius and aries provide virgo with an opportunity to embrace its motivations for change and efficiency, create + reveal innovative and cutting edge inventions, and dedicate itself in service to a greater whole.
virgo delights in the process of creating beauty and mutating form and must learn to let processes go once they are either complete or rendered ineffective. this is how to keep the magic alive. the magic is not in the results. it’s in you, and you carry it with you wherever you go. with virgo, we’re learning how to play with the elements of our physical reality, shape-shifting matter, and letting curiosity lead the way.
catch up on past reflections about virgo.
hermit, healer, scientist, sage ⊳ sidereal virgo + the numbers ⊳ curiosity, dreaming, feeling, meaning ⊳
major sidereal transits of virgo season
▫ september 16 ·· sun ☉ enters virgo
▫ september 17 ·· pisces lunar eclipse ☽
▫ september 18 ·· venus ♀︎ enters libra, mercury ☿ opposite saturn ♄
▫ september 21 ·· mercury ☿ square jupiter ♃
▫ september 22 ·· autumnal (n) / vernal (s) equinox
▫ september 23 ·· mercury ☿ enters virgo
▫ september 30 ·· mars ♂︎ trine saturn ♄, sun ☉ conjunct mercury ☿
▫ october 2 ·· virgo solar eclipse ☽
▫ october 4 ·· venus ♀︎ trine saturn ♄
▫ october 6 ·· mercury ☿ square mars ♂︎
▫ october 8 ·· venus ♀︎ trine mars ♂︎ , mercury ☿ trine jupiter ♃
▫ october 9 ·· jupiter ♃ stationary rx (sidereal taurus)
◦ october 10 ·· mercury ☿ enters libra
◦ october 11 ·· pluto ♇ stationary direct (sidereal capricorn)
◦ october 13 ·· venus ♀︎ enters scorpio, sun ☉ trine jupiter ♃
◦ october 14 ·· sun ☉ square mars ♂︎
minor transits of virgo season
▫ september 19 ·· sun trine uranus
▫ september 20 ·· sun opposite neptune
▫ september 21 ·· sun trine pluto
▫ september 22 ·· venus square pluto
▫ september 24 ·· mercury trine uranus
▫ september 25 ·· mercury opposite neptune
▫ september 26 ·· mercury trine pluto
▫ october 13 ·· mercury square pluto
▫ october 14 ·· venus opposite uranus
▫ october 15 ·· venus trine neptune
continue reading to explore:
⊳ words from virgo
⊳ an in-depth oracle breakdown of this month’s transits through the elements
⊳ notes on jupiter retrograde + pluto direct
⊳ practical remedies, plant + floral allies, and musical inspirations for the month
this post is created to be referenced throughout not just the virgo solar month, but any virgo transits that inspire you to reflect and ponder.
wishing you a nourishing virgo season & happy equinox!